Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

That is God's beautiful decision

Few hours ago I lost something. I just watched it out while I was printing sh*t things. Went less than 15 minutes than it has gone.......

THAT thing worth more than 1 million rupiahs but less than 3 million. Okay let's don't count the price of it, but it was not mine.. It was belong to my parents' and I lost it. How come a stupid girl that still couldn't live on her own LOST THAT THING???!!!!!!

Yeah crying won't finish the problem. I know my parents aren't angry to me, but I feel guilty to them :(

Mom Dad please forgive me :( Insya Allah I will definitely refund that thing even you aren't asking for that. I know Allah has beautiful decision to do that to us (my family). He loves us. May Allah give us the best and forgive that fucking burglar. Amin.

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